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[Special Effectstexture-identify

Description: 图像的纹理识别方法,纹理分割、合成以及识别仍是机器视觉的研究热点.-Image Recognition texture, texture segmentation, synthesis and recognition machine vision is the research focus.
Platform: | Size: 440320 | Author: 闫东 | Hits:


Description: 用EL99算法合成纹理,速度比较慢,效果还不错,适用于大多数纹理的合成-EL99 algorithm using synthetic texture, fairly slow, and the results were pretty good, applicable to the majority of the texture synthesis
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 文鼎 | Hits:

[Special Effectstexture_synthesis

Description: 代码实现了Ashikhmin纹理合成的效果,欢迎高手进行指正-code realized Ashikhmin texture synthesis results, welcomed the master for correction
Platform: | Size: 148480 | Author: 王川艳 | Hits:


Description: weilevoy算法实现纹理合成,分带与不带加速两个版本-weilevoy texture synthesis algorithm, zoning and non-accelerated version 2
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: | Hits:

[Special Effectstexture_synthesis

Description: 基于样图的纹理合成 效果很好的块匹配合成-Based Texture Synthesis from Samples effective synthesis of block-matching
Platform: | Size: 141312 | Author: 李晓燕 | Hits:

[Special Effectstexture_synthesis

Description: 基于样本的纹理合成,采取点替换的方法,可以合成brodatz类的纹理。采取的方法是先对图像分析,然后合成。-Texture synthesis based on samples taken at the replacement of the method of texture synthesis brodatz category. Approach taken is to firstly image analysis, and then synthesis.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 熊雄 | Hits:

[Special EffectsGraph_Cut

Description: Graph Cutshi是最近在计算机视觉中研究和应用比较多的优化算法,典型的用于stereo matching, image restortion, texture synthesis等应用,以上代码给出了graph cut,mean shift, 以及相关的ppm/pgm图像借口,本来是用于stereo matching的,已经把相关的matching的实现代码给去掉了。大家可以以此为平台做一些相关的研究和应用。 -Graph Cutshi recently in computer vision research and application of a relatively large number of optimization algorithms, typical for the stereo matching, image restortion, texture synthesis applications, the above code gives the graph cut, mean shift, and the associated ppm/pgm images an excuse, it is used for stereo matching, and has been related to matching the code to realize removed. U.S. can also be used as a platform to do some related research and applications.
Platform: | Size: 4487168 | Author: wang wei | Hits:

[Special Effectstexturize_gimp_plugin_version_1.0

Description: implement paper Graphcut Textures: Image and Video Synthesis Using Graph Cuts 利用graphcut算法进行纹理合成-implement paperGraphcut Textures: Image and Video Synthesis Using Graph Cuts algorithm using texture synthesis graphcut
Platform: | Size: 316416 | Author: changfeng | Hits:

[Graph programSynthesis0.9src

Description: 关于图像纹理合成的C++实现 希望对大家有所帮助-On image texture synthesis C++ Realize everyone would like to help
Platform: | Size: 78848 | Author: yangtao | Hits:

[Special Effectslf.tar

Description: 基于纹理合成的图像类推,用树形结构向量量化,用到了多分辨率来减小邻域 基于Wei_Levoy算法-Image-based texture synthesis by analogy, using tree structure vector quantization, has been used to reduce the multi-resolution neighborhood Wei_Levoy algorithm based on
Platform: | Size: 5356544 | Author: liucs | Hits:

[Special Effectstexturesythnes

Description: 采用vc++6.0设计出了基于不同算法的纹理合成系统,可以直接应用-Used vc++ 6.0 design a different algorithm based on texture synthesis system can be applied directly
Platform: | Size: 10505216 | Author: bai | Hits:

[Special Effectstexture+synthesis

Description: 纹理合成是为了解决纹理映射中存在的接缝走样等问题而提出的 也就是无缝贴图 可以用photoshop搞定,这个是编程序实现 生成无缝贴图是搞3D设计或是开发必备 开发工具Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 express(VC++ 2008 express) 注意:1 算法部分是C++ 实现,没有用unicode,所以图片路径和文件名不能有中文,否则会自动退出 -Texture synthesis texture mapping is to solve existing problems such as joints aliasing is proposed seamless mapping can be used to get photoshop, this is programmed to achieve a seamless texture generation is engaged in 3D design or development of the necessary development tools Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 express (VC++ 2008 express) Note: part 1 algorithm C++ realized, did not use unicode, so picture the path and file name can not be Chinese, or else they will automatically withdraw from the
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: wsky | Hits:

[Special Effectspatchbasedtexturesynthesis

Description: 一个基于块的纹理合成matlab源码程序-A block-based texture synthesis matlab source program
Platform: | Size: 490496 | Author: zhu | Hits:

[Special EffectsTexture_Synthesis_Using_Image_Quilting

Description: 最佳接缝法纹理合成的MATLAB代码,有图像例子,有网页说明,具体算法参照文献:Image Quilting for Texture Synthesis and Transfer-Texture synthesis method the best joints of the MATLAB code, there are examples of images, there are web pages that refer to the specific algorithm literature: Image Quilting for Texture Synthesis and Transfer
Platform: | Size: 577536 | Author: PanHao | Hits:


Description: 纹理合成matlab源代码,非常好,欢迎下载 -Texture synthesis matlab source code, very good, welcome to download
Platform: | Size: 278528 | Author: wumei | Hits:

[Special EffectsTexture_sys

Description: 彩色图像纹理合成(基于Efros-Leung算法)(matlab中应用C的接口)-Implement the non-parametric texture synthesis algorithm of Efros-Leung
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: 卢学 | Hits:


Description: 跟纹理合成有关的几篇论文。希望对大家又帮助1-paper about Texture synthesis
Platform: | Size: 9254912 | Author: li hong | Hits:

[Multimedia Developnonparametric_synth_texture

Description: Implementation of non-parametric texture synthesis
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: na | Hits:

[Graph programAn-Efficient-Method-of-Texture-Synthesis-Based-on-

Description:   提出一种带边界匹配的基于 Graph Cut 的快速纹理合成算法.通过将纹理样本以不同的位移贴到输出图中完成合成 ,重叠区域的像素取值由 Graph Cut 确定.引入边界图辅助位移搜索 ,以增强合成结果的边界连续性 在预处理过程中计算 2 个相同样本在所有相对位移下的匹配误差 ,选取一部分误差最小的位移组成 “优选位移” 集合 ,合成过程中的块间相对位移仅从此集合中选取 ,大大地提高了合成速度.-This paper proposes an efficient method for texture synthesis based on graph cut echnique and edge map.By the method, the synthesis is made by iteratively pasting the sample to the output with different displacements , and graph cut technique is used to find the optimal patch boundaries. To make the edge continuously better reserved, edge map is introduced to measure the structural similarity in the displacement search. In the preprocessing step , match errors for all relative displacements of two samples are calculated , and several displacements with the smallest match errors are selected to form the "optimal displacement set" . In the synthesis step , the relative displacements are fully chosen only from this set.
Platform: | Size: 978944 | Author: 巡洋舰 | Hits:

[Special Effectsgraphcut-texture-synthesis

Description: 基于图割graphcut的纹理合成,有window版本和linux版本,源代码和可执行程序都有,是Graphcut Textures: Image and Video Synthesis Using Graph Cuts的实现,linux和window代码都有,window下是vs2008的工程,需要安装vs2008 -texture synthesis based-on graph cut
Platform: | Size: 8245248 | Author: liwenqing | Hits:
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